Tragedi jatuhnya pesawat Merpati MA-60 di Teluk Kaimana, Papua Barat, pekan lalu, mengingatkan kepada kita kembali soal abainya kepedulian terhadap fasilitas publik.
Pemangku kepentingan seolah lupa bahwa negeri ini adalah negara kepulauan. Karena itulah, keberadaan transportasi antarpulau yang cepat dan efektif adalah keniscayaan.
Sayangnya, di banyak lini, transportasi publik bukannya menjadi fasilitas yang memudahkan. Ia sudah menjelma menjadi alat pembunuh saban tahun, baik di darat, laut, maupun udara.
Musibah jatuhnya Merpati MA-60 yang menewaskan 25 penumpang dan awak menegaskan bahwa era monster pembunuh itu belum akan lewat. Pertanyaannya, kapan hal itu akan berhenti?
Jawabannya sederhana, yakni sampai pemerintah sadar bahwa mengurus transportasi publik tidak bisa setengah-setengah, main-main, apalagi menjadikannya ladang proyek mengeruk keuntungan pribadi.
Kesan tidak serius menggarap transportasi publik, termasuk penerbangan antarpulau, hingga kini masih tampak. Bertahun-tahun Merpati sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) penerbangan yang melayani maskapai perintis dibiarkan melaju sendirian dalam kondisi berdarah-darah.
Merpati masih terus mengalami kesulitan cash flow dan merahnya neraca keuangan hingga kini. Belum jelas skema seperti apa yang bisa mengurai beban utang Merpati yang terus menumpuk dan sudah mencapai hampir Rp3 triliun tersebut.
Bahkan, berdasarkan pengakuan Direktur Utama PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo, sudah setahun, dari Mei 2010 hingga April 2011, Merpati tidak memperoleh dana bantuan dari pemerintah. Kondisi itu menegaskan pembiaran terhadap BUMN penerbangan tersebut memang benar-benar terjadi.
Benar bahwa Kementerian BUMN dan PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) telah sepakat untuk menyuntikkan dana Rp510 miliar kepada Merpati. Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk revitalisasi pesawat baru, pengadaan pesawat baru, defisit cash flow, serta modal kerja.
Namun, hingga kini dana itu belum jelas kapan bisa dicairkan. Manajemen Merpati seperti tengah menunggu Godot, sembari terus merasakan pendarahan akut.
Bukan cuma itu. Fakta seputar pembelian pesawat MA-60 buatan China yang kontroversial menambah runyam keadaan. Kontroversi itu yakni pesawat tersebut belum memiliki sertifikasi level internasional sehingga tingkat keamanannya diragukan. Selain itu, pembeliannya pun diduga kelewat mahal.
Karena itu, berhentilah mengurus transportasi publik secara main-main, apalagi menjadikannya ladang proyek mengeruk keuntungan pribadi. Nyawa anak negeri ini teramat mahal untuk mati sia-sia karena salah urus negara. JARI TENGAH BUAT WAKIL RAKYAT TAK BERMORAL
Pemangku kepentingan seolah lupa bahwa negeri ini adalah negara kepulauan. Karena itulah, keberadaan transportasi antarpulau yang cepat dan efektif adalah keniscayaan.
Sayangnya, di banyak lini, transportasi publik bukannya menjadi fasilitas yang memudahkan. Ia sudah menjelma menjadi alat pembunuh saban tahun, baik di darat, laut, maupun udara.
Musibah jatuhnya Merpati MA-60 yang menewaskan 25 penumpang dan awak menegaskan bahwa era monster pembunuh itu belum akan lewat. Pertanyaannya, kapan hal itu akan berhenti?
Jawabannya sederhana, yakni sampai pemerintah sadar bahwa mengurus transportasi publik tidak bisa setengah-setengah, main-main, apalagi menjadikannya ladang proyek mengeruk keuntungan pribadi.
Kesan tidak serius menggarap transportasi publik, termasuk penerbangan antarpulau, hingga kini masih tampak. Bertahun-tahun Merpati sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) penerbangan yang melayani maskapai perintis dibiarkan melaju sendirian dalam kondisi berdarah-darah.
Merpati masih terus mengalami kesulitan cash flow dan merahnya neraca keuangan hingga kini. Belum jelas skema seperti apa yang bisa mengurai beban utang Merpati yang terus menumpuk dan sudah mencapai hampir Rp3 triliun tersebut.
Bahkan, berdasarkan pengakuan Direktur Utama PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo, sudah setahun, dari Mei 2010 hingga April 2011, Merpati tidak memperoleh dana bantuan dari pemerintah. Kondisi itu menegaskan pembiaran terhadap BUMN penerbangan tersebut memang benar-benar terjadi.
Benar bahwa Kementerian BUMN dan PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) telah sepakat untuk menyuntikkan dana Rp510 miliar kepada Merpati. Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk revitalisasi pesawat baru, pengadaan pesawat baru, defisit cash flow, serta modal kerja.
Namun, hingga kini dana itu belum jelas kapan bisa dicairkan. Manajemen Merpati seperti tengah menunggu Godot, sembari terus merasakan pendarahan akut.
Bukan cuma itu. Fakta seputar pembelian pesawat MA-60 buatan China yang kontroversial menambah runyam keadaan. Kontroversi itu yakni pesawat tersebut belum memiliki sertifikasi level internasional sehingga tingkat keamanannya diragukan. Selain itu, pembeliannya pun diduga kelewat mahal.
Karena itu, berhentilah mengurus transportasi publik secara main-main, apalagi menjadikannya ladang proyek mengeruk keuntungan pribadi. Nyawa anak negeri ini teramat mahal untuk mati sia-sia karena salah urus negara. JARI TENGAH BUAT WAKIL RAKYAT TAK BERMORAL
News in English:
The tragedy of the crash Merpati MA-60 in the Gulf of Kaimana, West Papua, last week, reminding us again about abainya concern for public facilities.
Stakeholders seemed to forget that this country is an archipelago. Therefore, the existence of inter-island transportation, fast and effective way is a necessity.
Unfortunately, in many lines, public transportation instead of a facility that makes it easy. He has been transformed into a killer tool every year, both on land, sea, or air.
Accidents fall Merpati MA-60 that killed 25 passengers and crew members confirmed that the era of monster killers are not going to pass. The question is, when it will stop?
The answer is simple, that is until the government realized that taking care of public transport can not be half-half, playing games, let alone making it the fields project to dredge the personal gain.
The impression was not serious work on public transport, including inter-island flights, is still visible. Many years Merpati as state owned enterprises (SOEs) which serves flights airline pilot drove left alone in a bloody condition.
Pigeons still continue to experience cash flow difficulties and red balance sheet up to now. Not yet clear what kind of scheme could unravel Merpati's debt burden that continues to accumulate and has reached nearly Rp 3 trillion.
In fact, based on the recognition of the President Director of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo, has been a year, from May 2010 to April 2011, Pigeons do not get funding assistance from the government. The condition that the omission of the state-owned airline stressed that it is actually happening.
It is true that the Ministry of SOEs and Asset Management Company (PPA) has agreed to inject Rp510 billion fund to Pigeon. Proceeds will be used for revitalization of the new aircraft, new aircraft procurement, cash flow deficits, as well as working capital.
However, until now not clear when those funds can be disbursed. Management Pigeons like waiting for Godot middle, while continuing to feel the acute bleeding.
Not only that. Facts about the purchase of MA-60 aircraft made in China are controversial add worse circumstances. The controversy that the plane has not been certified international level so that the level of questionable safety. In addition, the purchase was allegedly overpriced.
Therefore, stop taking care of public transport in playing games, let alone making it the fields project to dredge the personal gain. Child's life is very expensive country to die in vain because of mismanagement of the country. MIDDLE FINGER FOR THE PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVES immoral
The tragedy of the crash Merpati MA-60 in the Gulf of Kaimana, West Papua, last week, reminding us again about abainya concern for public facilities.
Stakeholders seemed to forget that this country is an archipelago. Therefore, the existence of inter-island transportation, fast and effective way is a necessity.
Unfortunately, in many lines, public transportation instead of a facility that makes it easy. He has been transformed into a killer tool every year, both on land, sea, or air.
Accidents fall Merpati MA-60 that killed 25 passengers and crew members confirmed that the era of monster killers are not going to pass. The question is, when it will stop?
The answer is simple, that is until the government realized that taking care of public transport can not be half-half, playing games, let alone making it the fields project to dredge the personal gain.
The impression was not serious work on public transport, including inter-island flights, is still visible. Many years Merpati as state owned enterprises (SOEs) which serves flights airline pilot drove left alone in a bloody condition.
Pigeons still continue to experience cash flow difficulties and red balance sheet up to now. Not yet clear what kind of scheme could unravel Merpati's debt burden that continues to accumulate and has reached nearly Rp 3 trillion.
In fact, based on the recognition of the President Director of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo, has been a year, from May 2010 to April 2011, Pigeons do not get funding assistance from the government. The condition that the omission of the state-owned airline stressed that it is actually happening.
It is true that the Ministry of SOEs and Asset Management Company (PPA) has agreed to inject Rp510 billion fund to Pigeon. Proceeds will be used for revitalization of the new aircraft, new aircraft procurement, cash flow deficits, as well as working capital.
However, until now not clear when those funds can be disbursed. Management Pigeons like waiting for Godot middle, while continuing to feel the acute bleeding.
Not only that. Facts about the purchase of MA-60 aircraft made in China are controversial add worse circumstances. The controversy that the plane has not been certified international level so that the level of questionable safety. In addition, the purchase was allegedly overpriced.
Therefore, stop taking care of public transport in playing games, let alone making it the fields project to dredge the personal gain. Child's life is very expensive country to die in vain because of mismanagement of the country. MIDDLE FINGER FOR THE PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVES immoral